
Showing posts from May, 2021

This is 30?!?

This one hit me like a ton of bricks. I was today years old when I came to the realization that you do not have to have everything figured out by 30! Cue sigh of relief. That’s right, I said it. This is me officially giving you permission to continue on this wild journey called life without those dreaded deadlines we thought we needed to meet by a certain age. Seriously it is OK that you are not married, have kids, have a “respectable adult job” (whatever that is), or own a home with a white picket fence (or in my dream a Manhattan loft) by 30. If you do then kudos to you and please share with the class your secret formula. For those who are still in the trial-and-error phase of it all I encourage you to keep going and whatever you do, do not settle for mediocracy just because you feel like time is running out or because every time you log onto Facebook or Instagram you see this filtered ass version of everyone’s lives. You, my friend, deserve the actual life of your dreams whatever t